We never take a single approach to help our kids succeed. It takes caring mentors, such as our trained Club staff. It takes a safe place, like our Clubs that are consistently there for the kids they serve. It takes innovative, quality programs designed to empower youth to excel in school and lead healthy, productive lives. We do whatever it takes to ensure all kids have a great future.
Who We Are
When the school bell rings at the end of every day, thousands of kids across Collier County leave school and begin their after school routines. For some, this means heading home where they are met by a parent who helps them with homework before driving them to basketball practice, dance class, and music lessons. For others in our community, after school options are far less certain, stable, and safe.
At Boys & Girls Club of Collier County, we know the hours between 3:00-7:00 p.m. after school and the summer months are the peak times for juvenile crime and the time when kids are most likely to experiment with drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and other risky behaviors. We also know that today in our communities, children are facing obstacles more challenging than ever before. Kids from low-income families are six times more likely to drop out of school, and the teen birth rate in Collier County is 48 per 1,000 females ages 15-19. This is higher than that of the state (40) and considerably higher than the national benchmark (21).
Boys & Girls Club of Collier County provides young people with opportunities to engage in programs that help them achieve academic success, take charge of their health by building healthy habits that will stick with them throughout their lives, and foster the skills they need to become leaders in their communities.
For over 20 years, Boys & Girls Club has been there for thousands of Collier County kids and families when they need us most: after school, all day in the summer, and even during days off from school. Our Club members have access to a wealth of programming that has the power to positively shape and change their lives.

How We Do It
We ensure that every child who walks through our Club doors has his or her basic needs met. By collaborating with families, schools, and other partners in the community, Clubs are able to provide children a safe space – an environment for learning and growing – and a warm meal.
Each Club is staffed by experts in youth development. These trained professionals deliver a well-rounded menu of both nationally-recognized and innovative, local programs to our Club members. By tracking participation and results, we are able to continually evaluate our effectiveness.
Unfortunately, the problems facing our families and kids are daunting and we know we cannot solve them alone. We also recognize that every child’s and every family’s situation is unique. That is why we collaborate with hundreds of partner organizations and stay flexible with our approach, which allows us to meet the changing needs of the families we serve.

Transportation services financed in part by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Collier County Community and Human Services Division.